
Are you hopeful? I need you to be honest with yourself. Are you hopeful? If I was a betting person, and I am not, I would say that you struggle to find hope in your life. The Bible has much to say about being a person of hope. Biblical hope is very different from the… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-6-2018

It has been a busy week for me. There are many exciting things that are happening. The best are seeing God work in hearts. I never get tired of that. There are also many things happening with regards to the Ministry Center sale and the building. I am excited to see how the Lord puts… Continue Reading

Contentment in All Situations!

A few years ago I was sitting in a college Human Development class with one of my kids. I was surprised to observe students browsing Facebook and other social media. The gal in front of me spent the time on Pinterest looking at boots. It reminded me of how we as people have a tendency… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-29-2018

I was reminded this past weekend of how blessed we are as a people. It was great to have our family in town. We were able to spend some great time together. I hope that you were able to take time this past week to Thank the Lord for all that He has done. Now… Continue Reading

Time to Remember God is Good!

The top news yesterday was a senseless act of evil in Chicago.  The media pushed into our lives is a constant stream that reminds us that we live in a broken world. We are bombarded with the consequences of anger and of selfishness. If we are not careful,  the noise in our lives can cause… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-22-2018

Happy Thanksgiving. I want each of you to know that I am thankful for you. Our congregation recently passed the 17 year mark in September. It has been an incredible journey with the Lord. I am thankful to Him for the privilege of being a a part of what He is doing. One of the… Continue Reading

Would I Be Content With…

How would you respond to this question if you could only answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ “Would you be content with food, water and shelter?” What is your response, ‘yes I would be content” or “no I would not be content.” You might be surprised on how the Bible would encourage the follower of… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-15-2018

I just want to give a shout out to all the Veterans as we celebrated Veteran’s day this past week. I am thankful for those that have served our nation. Thank You. So Thanksgiving is next week. Just a reminder that our church offices will be closed for the Holiday. Let me also encourage you… Continue Reading

Grasping Contentment

Contentment can be described many different ways. We can speak of happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment and even our purpose or meaning in life. At the end of the day these and other descriptions reflect a lack of contentment. We should not be surprised that the Bible has much to say about contentment in many different form.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-8-2018

It is exciting to see God’s working in our congregation. I would encourage you to take a few minutes each Sunday to connect with the new individuals that have been fellowshipping at Living Hope. I would also ask you to pray for those wrestling through illnesses. It is that time of the year and it… Continue Reading