Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Happy New Year! It is exciting to think that we have 361 days ahead of us to become more like Jesus and to touch the lives of others! So what are your spiritual goals for the next 12 months? I challenge you to adopt at least one. I want to say thanks to Pastor Zac for...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Humility – Learning to Trust God

    Many years ago we hiked the Grand Canyon as a family. One of the many highlights was going to the Ranger Talks in the evening. This particular evening, there was going to be a scorpion hunt once it was dark enough. The specifics of the talk on the night life in...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Rearview Mirror 12-27-2018

I hope that you are able to enjoy your Christmas holiday. This is a very special time of the year. We do want to pray the families impacted by the government shutdown. We also need to pray for our national leaders in working through these issues. I want to say Thank...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Will You Take the Low Road or the High Road?

     I realize that with the legalization of Marijuana in many states, it would be easy to interpret my question in the wrong way. The old saying “taking the high road” speaks to being a person of integrity. It refers to doing the right thing even when it is not...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Rearview Mirror 12-20-2018

I want to say Thanks for everyone that joined us to go caroling this year. The most heart touching moment was seeing the faces of many in assisted living homes light up when we asked them to join us in singing. I also want to shout out to Pastor Zac for making a...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Getting a Handle on Faith

Have you noticed that, while most people in our country speak English as their first language, many of us speak in a way way that is only meaningful to a subset of people. If you have skills in a particular area or are involved in a specific interest or hobby you know...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Rearview Mirror 12-13-2018

• I wanted to give a big shout out to Pastor Berney and all those that have covered the church responsibilities this past week. Caryl and I have snuck away, as we do each year at this time, to celebrate our 31st Anniversary. And yes, a big Love You to Caryl!• It...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018


Are you hopeful? I need you to be honest with yourself. Are you hopeful? If I was a betting person, and I am not, I would say that you struggle to find hope in your life. The Bible has much to say about being a person of hope. Biblical hope is very different from the...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Rearview Mirror 12-6-2018

It has been a busy week for me. There are many exciting things that are happening. The best are seeing God work in hearts. I never get tired of that. There are also many things happening with regards to the Ministry Center sale and the building. I am excited to see...
Rearview Mirror 1-4-2018

Contentment in All Situations!

A few years ago I was sitting in a college Human Development class with one of my kids. I was surprised to observe students browsing Facebook and other social media. The gal in front of me spent the time on Pinterest looking at boots. It reminded me of how we as...