Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

One of the greatest blessing of Living Hope is our church family. A healthy family is a wonderful blessing as we draw together to help each other out. I want to give a shout out to the Stancliff’s on the new additions to their family. I want to encourage you to pray...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Rearview Mirror 8-1-2019

It has been another exciting week. The Office Modular has been moved to its home on the church property and has passed the installation inspection. The site is looking real good. It is exciting to see things coming together. I want to give another shout out to...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Don’t Stop Doing Ministry!

     This week our congregation is totally immersed in our Annual Soccer Camp. I am amazed at what started as a desire to reach kids that do not attend church and has developed into CLEAT Soccer Camp. This past week we have had the chance to minister to 150 kids plus...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Rearview Mirror 7-25-2019

Wow! What else can I say about this year’s Soccer Camp. Yes, we had some hiccups but what a great camp. Thank you for letting the Lord use you. Let us celebrate the way that the Lord worked in us and through us. Thank YouWe will conclude this year’s camp with a...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Mature Believer, Are You Listening?

     I was reminded that God holds those that are mature to a higher standard. It is easy for those that have greater knowledge, being in Christ longer or have experienced more to look down on those that may be lacking in these areas. Yet, the Bible reminds us that...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Am I Exclusive With My Spouse?

     We live during a very sexually tempting time. The media and culture are pressuring us on all fronts with temptations to gratify our own desires. This is a huge problem today in culture at large and among those that are professing followers of Jesus Christ.  I...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Rearview Mirror 7-18-2019

I want to give a shout out to everyone that is helping with Soccer Camp. It begins next Monday. Let me encourage you to continue to pray for this year’s camp. If you have signed up to help and for some reason have not been contacted, would you please reach out to...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Don’t Do It Just Because You Can!

     There are many sayings that we quote to justify doing what we want. Like the one that states, “It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission!” Another statement would be “I did it just because I can!” Now, I realize that these two...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Rearview Mirror 7-11-2019

I have been reminded this week of the spiritual battle we are fighting as followers of Jesus and as a local congregation. Our congregation has been over the top loving and caring for others but I have noticed it in several different ways. There are those that are...
Rearview Mirror 8-29-2019

Am I Free?

     This week, as we celebrate the birth of our nation on July 4th we are reminded of the  sacrifices of the founding fathers and the freedom that we enjoy. There is a paradox to freedom, that a person can be positionally free but is not practically free. This can...