Rearview Mirror 9-12-2019

  •      Well fall has arrived, or at least it seems that way with the return of the fall showers. I find it an exciting time because it marks the beginning of a New Year of ministry. I am sure that once again it will be an exciting year, as we move into our 19th year of ministry. Thanks for your part!
  •      The progress on the property has picked back up as the utilities are being installed. The site work should be done pretty soon with a few items still to be taken care of. There is a work day scheduled for this Saturday, weather permitting, from 8am-10 am. The early time is to allow those dads that need to kid sit for the baby shower to be available. We have a couple big projects. We will be cleaning up the lawn along Sedgwick Rd. We will also be painting the skirting on the office and cutting us some fire wood. It you have a weed eater, paint brushes, tray traps, rollers or a chain saw, please bring it.
  • Ladies, as I just mentioned, there is a Baby Shower for Stephanie Frame this Saturday from 10am – 1 PM. Please refer to the church bulletin for the specifics.
  • And while we are on Women’s Ministries, the Fall Kick-Off is scheduled for Saturday September 28. Be sure to sign up to attend and what you will be bringing for the potluck. There will be inserts in the bulletin again Sunday.
  • AWANA begins this Sunday September 15th at the Givens Center location at 5:30 pm. Let me encourage you to reach out to other families that have students in the K- 6th grade range to encourage them to attend. Please contact Pastor Berney with any questions.
  • The Six 8 Youth Ministries will also start up their school year schedule with the High School students meeting Friday eveninsg and the Jr. High group meeting Sundays from 5:30- 8:30. Please contact Pastor Zac with any questions.
  • We are desiring to start at least one couples group this fall. If you are interested in hosting or being a part of the group, please contact Pastor Joe.
  • Let me encourage you to reflect on Psalm 100:1-2 for our services this Sunday. Our Monthly Memory Verse for October is, “Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!” Psalm 100:2 ESV  A powerful reminder about the need to serve and worship with the right attitude. If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday will take us into 1 Corinthians Chapter 16. We will be focusing on “Being Wise About My Stewardship.” It is easy for us to forget why we are here and to take advantage of the opportunities that we have to make a difference for Jesus. Thanks to everyone that prays for me as I wrestle with understanding God’s Word each week.

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