Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

God is good all the time! Many of you know that an unexpected work caused Caryl to require surgery. It has been a time that we have been reminded of the Lord’s goodness and care, especially through His people. It took forever to get surgery scheduled and the recovery...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Am I Ready for Conflict?

     We live in a culture of conflict. All you have to do is open a news feed. Now, before you blame the current conflict on someone or something, think about this. There was conflict before the current one and there will be conflict after the existing one. The Bible...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Rearview Mirror 1-30-2020

I want to thank everyone that came out for the special Congregational Meeting last Sunday. Our congregation voted unanimously to move forward to the purchase of a worship modular. If you missed the meeting, Pastor Joe, will be able to update you on the exciting things...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

What Will My “Dash” Say?

     It has been said “A tomb stone describes a person’s life with their birth and death and everything in-between with the dash!” The question I am asking you is “What does the dash say about your life?” The Bible reminds us to be followers with a purpose. Will...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Rearview Mirror 1-23-2020

I am excited about the progress we continue to make on the church site. I learned just over a week ago that we are in a good position to have our Worship modular building and delivered by the end of May of this year. I realized several years ago that our...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

The Dangers of Peer Pressure!

     Have you ever wondered why you do some of the things you do? It may be simply because of what you think others will think of you! You and I could wish that we were impervious to this pressure in our lives, but we are not. Our challenge is to...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Rearview Mirror

I enjoy the snow. It seems to cause us to slow down and do things that we normally would not do. I hope that we were able to take advantage of the “snow days.” Just a reminder to check the church website at for any weather cancellations. We will...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Am I A Victim or a Victor?

     It seems to me we live in a culture that celebrates the victim. Now, I believe in standing up for the oppressed. I am not speaking about overlooking those that are oppressed or struggling. I speaking of a person holding a $5 coffee with all...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Rearview Mirror 1-9-2019

It is good to be back doing the Newsletter. I took a little break to attempt to dial things down over the holidays and spend time with family. It is exciting to think that we have a new year before us. It has been an amazing and busy year. Now we get to be a part of...
Rearview Mirror 2-6-2020

Why I Can Have Hope!

     I find myself thinking that our world is pretty messed up right now. Now, I am sure that this is not something new for humanity. But I have sure been burdened by all the drama. It seems we are experiencing a tsunami of despair. Yet, I am hopeful. Christmas...