Rearview Mirror 1-9-2019

It is good to be back doing the Newsletter. I took a little break to attempt to dial things down over the holidays and spend time with family. It is exciting to think that we have a new year before us. It has been an amazing and busy year. Now we get to be a… Continue Reading

Why I Can Have Hope!

     I find myself thinking that our world is pretty messed up right now. Now, I am sure that this is not something new for humanity. But I have sure been burdened by all the drama. It seems we are experiencing a tsunami of despair. Yet, I am hopeful. Christmas provides one glimpse into “Why… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-19-2019

          Today, the 19th is Caryl and my 32nd Anniversary. I want to give a shout out to my wonderful wife. I love you! Happy Anniversary!      The church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s. Also our office hours are irregular with working on the church property. If  you have a… Continue Reading

Christmas is NOT about Love

    Christmas is not about love. It is not about our current American concept of love. It is interesting that the English word love is translated by several different Greek and Hebrews words. It is interesting that each of these words actually speaks about relational differences. Christmas is about more than our common cultural definition… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 12-12-2019

     Let me encourage you to give yourself plenty of margin for the things you need to get done. This will hopefully keep us in the right frame of mind so that we can minister to others with kindness.      The church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s. Also our office hours… Continue Reading

Thanksgiving is For Everyone!

     Happy Thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving most Americans will be celebrating a holiday that dates to the founding of our nation. Like most holidays it has developed out of that first Thanksgiving. This national holiday did not start as a holiday but simply as a time to thank our Creator for his provision, protection and blessing.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-28-2019

     Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you will make the most of your time together this holiday season with friends and family. The dinner prayer is a great time to lead others in reflecting on the blessings in their lives this past year.      Looking ahead on the church calendar we have a number of… Continue Reading

Could God Use Me to Share Jesus?

     This is a question that I am addressing to followers of Jesus. It is simple, “Could God use you to share Jesus with a person that He brings into your life?” Now I realize that it might be tempting to answer this question, “Yes!.” The Bible teaches us that nothing is impossible for God,… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 11-21-2019

     This past Sunday we held our 1st Quarter Congregational Meeting after the AM service. I want to Thank everyone that stayed. It is humbling to see what the Lord is doing through our church. I was also reminded of the importance of having a space that is our own. Thanks for your spiritual and… Continue Reading