The Necessity of Meeting Together

     My wife and I just got back from an extended time with my family. We enjoyed many blessing over these past two weeks, but one stands out, the necessity for God’s people to meeting together as a church. The two greatest highlights, next to time with family, was attending two different church services. This… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-30-2020

• Thanks to everyone that supports our Sunday Online Service. We are adding a Vimeo Live Stream this Sunday to replace Youtube. We WILL continue the Facebook Live stream to our Facebook group. Vimeo offers several benefits for our church needs now and when we get into the new building. They also offer app support… Continue Reading

Am I Letting God Lead Me?

     My life has many instances of me running ahead of God. Now there are many times that we run from God. There are times that I have run from God. Then there are times that I have run ahead of God. Both running away from and ahead of God has a similar root issue.… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-23-2020

It is times like these that make me appreciate my relationship with the Lord. What a blessing it is to have a Biblical world view and the confidence that it provides in uncertain times. Let’s consider that God is in control and we can trust Him! We are planning to do a Ground Breaking Ceremony… Continue Reading

What is God’s Gift of Wisdom?

     If you had one wish, what would you ask for? Would you ask for wealth, beauty or even power? How would you use your one chance to get whatever you wanted? The Bible reminds us that God gave King Solomon one wish. There were many things that Solomon could have been granted. His request… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-16-2020

Let me encourage you to be an encourager of others. There is not much hope with the unfolding virus spread. Those without Christ have no real hope, but that is not true for those of us who belong to the Creator. We know that God is in control!   Congrats to Pastor Zac and Carol… Continue Reading

Rearview Mirror 7-9-2020

My heart has been burdened for the last several years for our community. I woke up early this morning praying for the Lord to send revival. My heart is burdened to see the message of Jesus communicated with power. Would you join me in praying for revival? Our first prayer needs to be spiritual revival… Continue Reading

My Opportunity to Live the Gospel

     This week we celebrate our nation’s independence. I am reminded of those that took the bold step of taking on a global superpower by signing the Declaration of Independence. I am also reminded at the costs that many of the signers paid as a result. Yet, it was their belief that led the process… Continue Reading