Winning Through Surrender

Winning Through Surrender

     It is easy to get pulled into a win-lose conflict in life. It can be something as simple as the battle for an open parking spot in a crowded lot.  I am sure most of us have experienced waiting patiently for a parking spot, only to have someone else swoop in and...
Winning Through Surrender

Living with Nothing to Lose!

     It seems to that life is a string of choices that we make every day. We understand that every choice comes with a cost. Most of us, unfortunately, find it is easier to choose the things I want to do, rather than what I should do....
Winning Through Surrender

Sticking to My Biblical Convictions

     My life is filled with an endless number of decisions. I cannot think of any area of my life that does not involve decisions. It could be as simple as deciding what kind of motor oil to put in my truck or something much bigger like deciding if it’s time to...
Winning Through Surrender

A Testimony Worth Leaving

     In over 30 years of experience being a Pastor I have been to a few memorial services and funerals. One of the consistent blessings has been to hear the impact of the life of the person being remembered from the lips of someone else. As I listen I often have a...
Winning Through Surrender

Killing It As A Dad!

    As I reflect on being a dad, it is interesting how I thought I had all the answers before I had kids, while after having kids it seems I only had questions! I believe that being a father is one of several growth opportunities in a man’s life. I have found it...