Honey, Where’s My Shirt?

Honey, Where’s My Shirt?

    I think most of us have been in a situation where we were looking for something and could not find it. I know that wives and mothers can relate to this. I’m sure they have heard the desperate request from their husband in the closet: “Honey, where’s my...
Honey, Where’s My Shirt?

Roadblock to God’s Blessing?

    A while back I purchased a project vehicle and decided to wait to transfer the title until the end of the state mandated time period. I remembered the deadline a couple days after it had passed. I got zinged for an additional late registration fee on top of the...
Honey, Where’s My Shirt?

Struggling to Grasp God’s Glory

     I am currently working on upgrading our church computer system which stores all our church files, the “file server.” While I do have an advantage as a computer guy, much has changed since our last upgrade 16 years ago. I have been surprised by how much I don’t...
Honey, Where’s My Shirt?

Hiding from God

     I was recently talking to someone about the Grand Canyon. Our conversation steered to a book about “Deaths in the Grand Canyon.” It is filled with stories of those who lost their lives in the Canyon, mostly because of poor choices. The one that touched my heart...
Honey, Where’s My Shirt?

A Whatchamacallit for the Thingamajig!

     One of the joys in my life is fixing stuff even if it is not always an enjoyable process. I’m reminded of the times when the parts clerk has looked at me with a blank stare when I asked for a whatchamacallit that spins around the thingamajig. It is during...