Recently I was presented with a deal related to a purchase. While considering it, my mind wrestled with the pros and cons of making the purchase. What nudged me over the edge was the offer of a great opportunity that I did not want to miss. I decided to make the purchase. It hit me that God has provided us as His followers with a great opportunity, that also has an expiration date!  

    If you have been reading my newsletters, you know that most of my devotional content comes from my own spiritual journey and my daily time with the Lord in the Word. The context of my recent studying comes from the account of Lazarus’ death and resurrection. John chapter 11 begins with Jesus getting word that someone close to Him, Lazarus, was ill. The account communicates a sense of urgency. Yet, Jesus delays for two days as you know because God had a significant plan. Jesus was going to raise Lazarus from the dead as a final attempt to reach the heart of God’s people.

     One of the insights that stood out at this time was the Jew’s intention to take Jesus out. They had been dogging Jesus for an opportunity to do just that. They had already tried to stone Him twice prior to Lazarus’ resurrection. Their animosity toward Jesus over His popularity with the people had enraged them to a point of desperation.

    What stood out in my reading was Jesus’ response to His disciple’s regarding their hesitation to return to Jerusalem to heal Lazarus. “The disciples said to him, “Rabbi, the Jews were just now seeking to stone you, and are you going there again?”” (John 11:8) Jesus’ life was at risk from a human perspective. But He was completely safe in God’s will! Jesus’ response reminds us that we are also safe in God’s will. “Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world.” (John 11:9).

     Two thoughts stand out to me. First, just as Jesus was safe in God’s will, so are we. This means that we can minister without fear of the consequences. Now, I am not saying that we should abandon common sense. What I am saying is we need to be on our guard from the fear that keeps us from serving Jesus. The fear of not being good enough, or embarrassing ourselves, or offending someone should never be a barrier to ministering for Jesus.

     The second thought is that all of us have been blessed with a limited window of time to realize the fullness of God’s blessing in our lives and to reach others for Him. All of us have a God given window of opportunity. I have heard it referred to as the “QTR” (Quality Time Remaining).  It does no good to fret over missed opportunities. Jesus could go back into the lion’s den because it was not yet His time.

     There is so much that can be done for Christ in our own spiritual growth and being a channel of God’s blessing to others. Would you join me in maximizing our QTR by taking advantage of the greatest opportunity in life?…To serve Jesus! I love the disciples’ response; “So Thomas, called the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”” (John 11:16).

-Pastor Joe Parkinson