Roadblock to God’s Blessing?

    A while back I purchased a project vehicle and decided to wait to transfer the title until the end of the state mandated time period. I remembered the deadline a couple days after it had passed. I got zinged for an additional late registration fee on top of the normal registration costs. The point I want to make is that I was at fault for the extra cost. I wish I could say this was the only time that has happened, but it is not.

     I was reminded that we often do that same thing in our relationship with the Lord. The consequence is not a late fee, but the loss of God’s blessing. Jesus makes an interesting statement in response to the jealousy towards His teaching and ministry by the members of his hometown synagogue. They complained, “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.” (Mark 6:3). Both Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels record the people’s disgust with Jesus and His claims. It is from these interactions that we get the well-known response of Jesus, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household.” (Mark 6:4b).

     There are probably many reasons why they tried to keep Jesus in a box, and one of them was definitely pride manifested in jealousy and unbelief. It is hard to accept when others may be better at something than ourselves. It is what both Gospel writers shared next that breaks my heart; “And he could do no mighty work there….” (Mark 6:5a). Matthew’s account reveals the real issue. “And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13:58). The son of God who had the power to perform any miracle was only limited by the will of the father and the willingness of the individual’s heart! Their unwillingness became a roadblock to God’s blessing in their community.

     I wonder how many times we miss God’s blessing in our lives because of the same attitudes. We often limit God’s work according to our expectations or false assessments of a situation or others. It seems to me that the lack of miracles performed that day were the result of hard hearts that kept those truly in need from coming to Jesus for help. We read, “he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.” (Luke 6:5b). Those who received God’s blessing were the ones who laid aside their prejudice and turned to Jesus for help! 

     I am reminded that our “road blocks” are not just limited to physical needs, we also hinder God’s work when we fail to step out in faith for the Lord. It could be in applying God’s Word to restore a damaged relationship. It might relate to inviting a friend to church or sharing Christ with them. It might also be not stepping out to follow the Lord’s leading in a ministry to others.  Solomon reminds us of our need to step out so that God can work. “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3). Looking back over God’s blessing in my life, it has almost always been the result of me stepping in the Lord’s leading. Let’s be careful not to miss the windows of God’s blessing by procrastinating.

-Pastor Joe Parkinson

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