• 20 Years! The day has finally come to celebrate the Lord’s working. Our 20th year Celebration is this Sunday. We will be celebrating in both services with  a Potluck following the 10 AM service. We are asking our regulars to bring a Side dish and a Salad. You will also want to bring a lawn chair. The church will be providing the tableware, drinks, hamburgers and hotdogs and dessert (Just like our Soccer Camp Picnics)   
  • Let me encourage you to invite any of those that your know that that were a part of Living Hope. It is a great time to fellowship and reminisce over the past 20 years.
  • Just a reminder that we will be moving back to a “Masks Required” for the (9AM) beginning Sunday September 19. Also I just wanted to remind everyone that the building is being thoroughly cleaned each week, we have hand sanitizer dispensers in each foyer  and our HVAC Air Scrubbers are silently working around the clock to keep the Ministry Center sanitized.
  • We will be kicking off our fall ministries the week of September 19th. Check out the specifics from the items below:
  • Prayer Meeting will restart on Wednesday September 22 at 7:00 pm in Admin Building.
  • Men’s Bible Studies, both AM and PM will be begin on Thursday September 23, 10am and 7pm respectively.  
  • Ladies Ministry Kick-off is Saturday, September 25. Ladies, let me encourage you to put this event on your calendar as we wrap up Summer and move into Fall.
  • Adult Bible Study will be beginning with a meet and greet on Friday September 17 at Burkes home (677 Tufts Ave E). The regular sermon based study will begin the following Tuesday, September 21 at 7 PM at the same location.
  • AWANA will be begin on Sunday, September 26 for those in K – 6th Grades.
  • Our new memory verse for September, in recognition of our 20th Anniversary, is from Lamentations 3:22-23. “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22–23 ESV   I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • It is our privilege to have our Regional Director, Pastor Dave Lunsford, with us this Sunday. Please be praying for him as he brings a challenge from the Word in both AM Services.