• Lord willing we will celebrate our 20th Anniversary as  Living Hope! I hope you will join us and invite others for this special day. Pastor Dave Lunsford will be our guest speaker. We will also be hosting a church potluck following the AM service. The church will be providing the hamburgers and hotdogs, dessert, drinks, condiments and tableware. We are asking each family to bring a side dish and a salad along with some lawn chairs (assuming we can sit outside).
  • Just a reminder that our first service (9:00AM) is a “Mask Required” service.  The second service 10:30AM is “Mask Optional” service. Thanks for your consideration of others at each of these services.
  • I am excited to see so many people plugging into the different ministry opportunities!
  • AWANA meets on Sunday evenings from 5:30pm- 7:30pm. Students in the K – 6th Grades are encouraged to participate. Contact Pastor Berney for specifics.
  • New Adult Bible Study is meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM at Admin Building.  Contact Thom B for more information.
  • Women’s Disciple Group #2  is meeting on Wednesday mornings at 10AM in the Admin Building. Contact Caryl P for more information.
  • Prayer Meeting is Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Admin Building.
  • Men’s Bible Studies, both AM and PM meet on Thursday at 10am and 7PM respectively.  
  • Trustee Meeting will be this Tuesday October 5 at 5PM
  • New Members 101 Discipleship Class is scheduled for Saturday October 23rd 9:00AM – 3:00PM Lunch will be provided. Sign-up in the bulletin.
  • Our new Monthly Memory Verse(s) for October are a reminder to “Look to the Lord” (our new sermon series.) “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1–2 ESV  I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • I am excited to have our Regional Director, Pastor Dave Lunsford with us once again this Sunday as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary. I appreciate your prayers as we continue to press forward for Jesus in the next 20 years!