• I am reminded that “rain” in the Bible was viewed as a blessing from the Lord.  This has definitely been true for our community. It is a small reminder that those aspects of life we struggle with are actually a blessing from the Lord.
  • The big thing this weekend is that Church Work Day on Saturday September 26th from 9Am to Noon. We have a ton of projects with the most important being getting the site in shape for our “Ground Breaking” service October 4th.  The jobs needed to be done include weeding, painting and moving stuff into the Connex storage. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please bring tools, a chair and others!
  • Please check out the Realm for the latest details and specifics on the  Ground Breaking ceremony that is being planned. It can be found under the Living Hope Church group. Let Pastor Joe know if you need help getting into Realm.  
  • Things are moving quickly at the church property. We have been busy with a number of different project. We are currently working on the ramp for the Office building. We are also doing a bunch of work on getting the Office ready for a final inspection. We purchased a new Storage Container for the property this week.
  • I want to thank all the ladies that joined together for Sarah Parkinson’s bridal shower. I know that it was a big encouragement for her. It is hard to believe that I will be giving away my last daughter in a few weeks!
  • Pastor Joe’s 7 PM Wednesday Night Study will be meeting this coming Wednesday, September 30th on Zoom.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings as well for those guys involved in the study.
  • Six8 be aware that there have been some changes to the weekly calendar. Please check out Facebook for the most current information.
  • Our September Monthly Memory Verse is “Let not your heart envy sinners, but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day.” Proverbs 23:17 ESV  This verse is important because it reminds us not to become distracted by those not following the Lord. If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • We will continue our series on “Lessons for the Journey” from 1 Kings this week. Pastor Berney and I would appreciate your prayers as we seek the Lord’s leading on which accounts to focus on. We do appreciate your prayers for us with all that is going on. It is making a difference. Thank You.