• I am excited that we have rescheduled the 20th Anniversary Celebration for Sunday, October 3. Please spread the word. Pastor Dave Lunsford will be with us for our special day. We will also be hosting a church potluck following the AM service. The church will be providing the hamburgers and hotdogs, dessert, drinks, condiments and tableware. We are asking each family to bring a side dish and a salad along with some lawn chairs (assuming we can sit outside).
  • Just a reminder that our first service (9:00AM) is a “Mask Required” service.  The second service 10:30AM is “Mask Optional” service. Thanks for your consideration of others at each of these services.
  • The new events on the calendar for this week include the following:
  • Ladies Ministry Kick-off is Saturday September 25 11:00AM to 2:PM. The meal will be catered. Ladies, let me encourage you to put this event on your calendar as we wrap up Summer and move into Fall. The cost is $10 each.
  • AWANA Kickoff  will be this Sunday September 26 5:30pm- 7:30pm for those in K – 6th Grades. Contact Pastor Berney for specifics.
  • New Adult Bible Study begins this Tuesday September 28 at 7 PM at Admin Building (note change of location).  Contact Thom B for more information.
  • New Women’s Disciple Group #2  starting Wednesday September 29th, 10AM in the Admin Building. Contact Caryl P for more information.
  • Prayer Meeting will be Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in Admin Building.
  • Men’s Bible Studies, both AM and PM will be on Thursdays 10am and 7PM respectively.  
  • Our new memory verse for September in recognition of our 20th Anniversary is from Lamentations 3:22-23. “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22–23 ESV   I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week we will wrap up our study from 2 Corinthians on Authentic Ministry from chapter 13. I do so appreciate your prayers as I prepare for our time in the Word this Sunday.