• Family Camp is here and you are invited to join us out at Lake Cushman. The official dates for this year’s camp is  August 10th-12th. We are encouraging those not able to camp to join us on Saturday August 11th for a day of fun. Bring stuff to eat, relax and have fun in the water. We will be doing a special service Saturday evening after dinner. (There will be a community BBQ available). There is also room for those who want to camp. Just show up. We are at the group site at Skokomish Park on Lake Cushman. You can check out the Camp Brochure or talk to one of the pastors. The event has always been a special time for our congregation and friends to relax and have a great time!
  • I want to say Thank You to everyone that has offered to help with Packing Up the Ministry Center. We can use all the help we can get. If you are interested in helping please fill out an insert this week or talk with Pastor Joe.
  • Just a reminder that we have property work day scheduled for Saturday August 18th from 9am to Noon (or when we get done). Our goal is to cut the grass and weeds to keep the site looking good!
  • Just a reminder to keep praying for the sale of the Ministry Center and for all the details that need to be worked out for a transition.
  • We have a couple higher priority needs that you might be able to help with. First, we are in need of a volunteer to help with our financial ministries. If you have a desire to help in this area please reach out to Pastor Joe or Nathan F.  We are also looking for an additional volunteer to help in the office with putting the Sunday bulletins together.
  • Let me encourage you to change your life by memorizing Scripture. This month we have a basic and advanced option that packs a powerful 1-2 punch. Our basic verse for August Monthly Memory Verse (MMV) is ““Do all things without grumbling or disputing,” (Philippians 2:14 ESV)  If you are up for an extra challenge I would encourage you to join me in memorizing verse 15 too! “that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,” (Philippians 2:15 ESV) I really encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday in our series from 2 Samuel “Letting God Use Me” we will focus on “Learning to Resolve Conflict.” The consequences from David’s moral failure are heart breaking. It is in the midst of these that we are reminded of the importance of not sweeping issues under the proverbial rug. This Sunday as we look at 2 Samuel 13 we will be focusing on the importance of conflict resolution. My weeks are crazy with all that is going on. Thank You for praying for me and our ministry for the Lord this Sunday!