• It has been another exciting week. The Office Modular has been moved to its home on the church property and has passed the installation inspection. The site is looking real good. It is exciting to see things coming together.
  • I want to give another shout out to everyone that had a part in this year’s CLEAT Soccer Camp. We had a great number of players and the camp went off without a hitch. We also had a great response to the Sunday Service and the picnic on Sunday. Thank You.
  • I wanted to give a shout out to the Frame’s on their new addition to their family. Please continue to pray for mom and baby (and dad too!)
  • Our church calendar intentionally slows down for August. I hope that you will have time to take advantage of the nice weather. There are still a couple things that you should add to your calendar.
  • The Ladies Discipleship group is this Saturday August 3, 9AM – 11AM at Amy F. home. This is a great time to connect and be challenged from God’s Word.
  • Most of you know that our daughter Anna’s wedding is just around the corner, August 10th, 1:30PM at Fox Alliance Church and you are invited. It you have not done so please let us know you are coming (Click here).
  • We will be tackling a short Psalm over the next several Months. We will be working on Psalm 100. Our focus in August will be on verse 1, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!” Psalm 100:1 ESV  It is a reminder to take time to worship our Creator! If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • The focus this Sunday will be “Be Wise About My Vigilance”  as we look at Paul’s encouragement to be careful about life choices. It is a passage that challenges us to learn from the mistakes of others. It is humbling how the Lord is blessing the preaching of His Word. Your prayers are making a difference. Thank you for praying for me and the service this Sunday.