- It is times like these that make me appreciate my relationship with the Lord. What a blessing it is to have a Biblical world view and the confidence that it provides in uncertain times. Let’s consider that God is in control and we can trust Him!
- We are planning to do a Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new building. We are currently waiting on an update on the production schedule. Our project is moving forward as the next step has been funded and permits are being pursued by us and the builder. I am expecting an early fall delivery assuming no delays.
- It is hard to image that I will be giving away my last daughter, Sarah, in a few months. If you have not heard, she is engaged to be married on Friday October 23rd. There will be a bridal shower on Saturday September 19 at 10 am for our church family.
- I have really enjoyed our Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7pm on ZOOM (Zoom Link) I have been very happy with the way that is going. Yes, it would be better if we met in person, but the video chat format is working very well. If you are interested in digging a little deeper into the Sunday message, I encourage you to join us.
- Guys, the weekly Men’s Bible study is also meeting on Wednesday evenings. They are working with a couple locations. Please contact Pastor Berney for details.
- Our July memory verse is from Matthew 9:37-38 “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”” Matthew 9:37–38 ESV If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
- I have been blessed by our study out of 1 Kings. I hope that you are blessed as well from our time in the Word each Sunday. This week we will be looking at “Lessons” to be learned from the construction of the temple. It is in this context that we need to keep our focus on the Lord. I so appreciate your prayers and we prepare for our time on Sunday. Your prayers are making a huge difference. Thank You