• Thank You does not express my gratitude to the Lord and everyone that participated in this past week of CLEAT Soccer Camp. Thank You from the depth of my heart!
  • The Ohio Christian University team will be with us this Sunday for our special Soccer Camp Sunday and the picnic that follows. You are invited to join us for the special 10 AM CLEAT Camp Sunday Service. The BBQ will follow on the fields in front of Marcus Whitman at 12 Noon. There will also be a pickup soccer game once the meal is over.
  • The last count I heard was 127 players for this year’s camp. The number is probably a little higher as we had players that joined us later in the week.
  • I want to say thanks in advance to Pastor Zac who will be cooking the burgers and dogs and the hospitality team that will be taking care of the meal. The church will be providing the meat, drinks and tableware. We are asking for each family to bring a Salad AND  Dessert for the picnic.
  • Many of you have been praying for and have provided support for Anna Parkinson and her mission trip to Bolivia. She will be bringing a short presentation on her trip.
  • We will be taking a break in our Celebrate Sunday series from 1 Samuel on “Discovering Greatness” to Celebrate Soccer Camp. I would appreciate your prayers as I prepare a special message for the event.