• Wow, It has been another exciting week. The Lord has blessed our 15th annual soccer camp. We have seen growth in both of our camps again. It is humbling for me to be a part of the CLEAT Soccer Camp. I have been reminded continually of the incredible sacrifice made on the part of so many. I want to say “Thank You” for serving the Lord.
  • First let me say congrats to the Cuevas family and the new addition to their home. We are excited for little Samuel. Pray for Mom and baby.
  • I also want to give a shout out to Corban’s Sports Ministry for partnering with us this year and specifically Women’s Soccer Coach Likius Hafeni for helping us to take the camp to another level in so many ways. We also are thankful for the men and women players that have made sacrifices to help.  And of course behind it all is a great church body that has gone over the top to make this year’s camp another great camp. Now, we need to pray that the Lord would use our service for His glory.
  • It is time to focus on Family Camp August 10th-12th. We are going to be back on the group site at Skokomish Park on Lake Cushman. I think that the last time we were able to get the site was back in 2006. It is really a great location and perfect for a church family camp. I hope you will be able to join us camping or for the day. You can check out the Camp Brochure or talk to one of the pastors.
  • Please continue to pray for our property and the sale of the Ministry Center. We have been working on the last few documents needed to submit our Site Development Permit.
  • We have a couple higher priority needs that you might be able to help with. First, we are in need of a volunteer to help with our financial ministries. If you have a desire to help in this area please reach out to Pastor Joe or Nathan F.  We are also looking for an additional volunteer to help in the office with putting the Sunday bulletins together.
  • I mentioned Sunday that we should do 2 Timothy 1:7 as a memory verse. I would encourage you to consider doing verses 6 and 7 this month. So our July Monthly Memory Verse (MMV) is “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV  It encourage us not to miss out in serving God because of fear. I really encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday we will pause our series from 2 Samuel “Letting God Use Me” to focus on celebrating Soccer Camp. I appreciate your prayers as I squeeze in preparation time with all the activities of the week. Thank You.