•      The power is on! We now have all the utilities working in the church office! We are also making progress on the Worship building. It has been a busy couple weeks, but we have continued to move forward. Please pray that we are able to expedite the Worship modular. 
  •      Ladies Discipleship group will be meeting this Saturday 10am- Noon at the Parkinson’s. Those ladies involved are encouraged to attend. It promise to be a special time in the Word and in fellowship. We all need more of this now that things are opening back up.
  •      A Work Day is schedule for the church property this Saturday 9am – Noon. We have a number of different projects that need to be done. If you are able to help, please contact Pastor Joe.  We have some site clean-up, a bunch of painting, and even some cleaning inside the building. We do have someone desire to provide lunch, so please let us know if you are able to help.
  •       We are still working on Soccer Camp for July 20-24. We are planning on having camp if we can!  It is still too soon to call, but we will let everyone know as soon as we are locked in. Thanks for praying.
  •      I have really enjoyed our Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7pm on ZOOM (Zoom Link) I have been very happy with the way that is going. Yes, it would be better if we met in person, but the video chat format is working very well. If you are interested in digging a little deeper into the Sunday message, I encourage you to join us.
  •      We continue to refine our Sunday Livestream on Facebook Live and Youtube. We will be Streaming again this  Sunday at 10 AM  to both Facebook and YouTube. (Clink Links). We will be continuing to work through our passage in Galatians. I would encourage you to invite others.
  •     Let me remind you to join OnRealm our private online church communication platform. Invitation is by request by sending an email and phone number to joinrealm@alivinghope.net or contact Pastor Joe.
  •      I want to thank those that have been supporting the ministry financially. Our general fund has fallen short. If you are able to help, it would be appreciated. You can sent donations via mail, bill pay or Living Hope Online Giving(Clink Link). The church address for mail options is: Living Hope Church, P.O. Box 908, Port Orchard, WA 98366. Please contact Nathan F or Pastor Joe with any questions.
  •      Our June memory verse is Luke 14:11 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. ESV If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  •      This week we will be entering the final section of Galatians.  We will spend several weeks moving through these last verses where Paul shares his heart. We appreciate your prayers for Pastor Berney and myself as we prepare for our time in God’s Word this Sunday. Thanks for Praying.