Rearview Mirror 6-28-2018

  • I want to say Thank You to those that helped this past Saturday at the Church Work Day. We were able to keep the property looking sharp and tackle a little more of the weeds.
  • Thanks are also to be extended to the Ladies ministry on the baby shower for Valerie and baby Samuel. What an exciting time. Please keep her and the baby in your prayers.
  • Soccer Camp is just around the corner. We are excited to have our largest group of coaches from Corban University to help with this year’s camp. We are going to need help with hosting the team for meals and providing lunches for the week of camp. If you can help with either of these please contact Pastor Joe.
  • Also related to Soccer Camp: Thanks to everyone that has committed to providing snacks for Soccer Camp. It is imperative that you have your snack to the Ministry Center no later than July 13th. They can also be dropped off the next two Sundays at Marcus Whitman.
  • I hope that you are able to join us for Family Camp August 10th-12th. We are going to be back on the group site at Skokomish Park on Lake Cushman. I think that the last time we were able to get the site was back in 2006. It is really a great location and perfect for a church family camp. I hope you will be able to join us camping or for the day. You can check out the Camp Brochure or talk to one of the pastors.
  • We have a couple higher priority needs that you might be able to help with. First, we are in need of a volunteer to help with our financial ministries. If you have a desire to help in this area please reach out to Pastor Joe or Nathan F.  We are also looking for an additional volunteer to help in the office with putting the Sunday bulletins together.
  • I mentioned Sunday that we should do 2 Timothy 1:7 as a memory verse. I would encourage you to consider doing verses 6 and 7 this month. So our July Monthly Memory Verse (MMV) is “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV  It encourages us not to miss out in serving God because of fear. I really encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday we will be working through 2 Samuel chapter 6. It is a passage that many people are familiar with. It is when David attempted to move the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. It is in the middle of this celebration that something shocking happens and we are reminded of the need to be reverent. If we are going to pray, “God use me!” Then we must be careful to do things his way. Thanks again for your prayers. God is using them to make a difference for me and those in our congregation. Thank You for you vital ministry of prayer.

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