- Just a reminder that this Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day. Let me say Thank You in advance to all the mothers represented in our congregation and families. It was interesting to hear on the radio that the majority of Mom’s would prefer time together as a family as the number one gift on Mother’s Day. I am sure that having a meal provided was also at the top of the list.
- We have a number of families that will be dedicating children on Mother’s Day. Please for the families as they covenant with the Lord to raise their children under Biblical guidance.
- It was good to be able to get away last week and focus on our upcoming sermon series, “What it takes to be a leader.” I was also able to spend some time working on our summer “Celebrate Summer” series from 1 Samuel. I am looking forward to doing dramatic monologues that bring to life the accounts from these passages.
- I was excited that we were scheduled to submit our Conditional Use Permit to Kitsap County for our property. It was a little disappointing to have to reschedule due to missing a required document for our application. I do covet your prayers for our meeting which is scheduled for two weeks. We have already taken care of the needed document.
- There will be no small group meeting this Sunday due to Mother’s Day. I hope that you will be able to enjoy your time as a family.
- I have been taking to others about Baptism. We are preparing to do another Baptism in a couple weeks. Please talk to Pastor Joe if you are interested.
- This week, as we focus on Mother’s Day, I will focus on the importance of “Leading My Family.” We will be looking at what the Bible has to teach us about the influence that we as parents have to make a difference on our children and grandchildren. Thank you for praying for me as I prepare for this week.