• We are looking forward to an exciting weekend at Living Hope. This Sunday, May 20th is our SDAP Offering. We have been promoting this for several weeks. The Sunday offering will be dedicated to our building fund and be used for covering the costs of pursing our Site Development Activity Permit. The estimated costs of the permit are between $12,000 and $22,0000. Any funds not used for the SDAP will remain in the building fund and be used for future development costs. I hope you will be able to participate in the SDAP Offering this Sunday.
  • There will be a special SDAP Celebration lunch on the patio following the AM service. Lunch is to be provided by the church. Thanks Pastor Zac for putting this together. I hope that you will stick around to enjoy some food and fellowship.
  • Our Annual meeting is coming up Sunday May 20th 6:00 PM at the Ministry Center. Our primary tasks will be approving the 2018-2019 church budget and electing certain officers for key ministry. We will also be discussing the results of the SDAP offering and what is involved next.
  • I want to say thanks to everyone that participated in last Saturday’s work day. It was a huge help in keeping the property looking nice. We were able to also remove several of the piles too. A big thanks to Pastor Zac for covering lunch. We will be planning another work day in June.
  • Guys, there are two men’s group for you. Pastor Berney is leading the one that meets on Tuesday evenings at the Ministry Center at 7pm and Pastor Joe is leading a Thursday Morning 10:30 AM group that meets at the Ministry Center. Pastor Joe’s group will not be meeting for the next couple weeks. We would love to invite you to join us.
  • For our May MMV (Monthly Memory Verse) we have selected a verse that is a bit more foundational and doctrinal. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 ESV This verse in John speaks of the deity of Jesus reminding us that He is God. If you are struggling to develop a memorizing habit let me encourage you to check out ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday we will be walking down memory lane as we reflect on God’s work in our midst over the recent past. We will also be looking at assorted Scriptures that remind us of the importance of a physical presence in our community. I do covet your prayers as I study for our time in God’s Word Sunday.