Rearview Mirror 5-16-2019

  • Wow, what a great weekend. Thanks to everyone that joined us Sunday to honor Moms!
  • The great news this week is that we have obtained our Site Development Activity Permit. Our permit was approved at our Pre-Construction meeting on Tuesday at the county. The work on the site continues to move forward. The excavation with begin in about two weeks. There are a number of other items that will be happening also. I will be giving an update and answering questions at our congregational meeting this Sunday afternoon.
  • Guys it is not too late to be part of the Men’s Flapjacks and Fellowship this Saturday May 18th 8am at the Church Office. We will be continuing our study on How to Study the Bible.
  • Gals just a reminder that the baby shower for Sheila is this Saturday May 18. I hope you will be able to show your support.
  • Let me encourage you to plan for our Annual Business Meeting will be Sunday May 19th 5pm at a Heritage Foursquare Church located in the town center mall. We will be voting on a Trustee position, the annual budget as well as discussing the next steps on the site development. There are many exciting things that are happening. It is also a great time to ask questions and provide input.
  • Let me encourage you to be in prayer for this year’s CLEAT Soccer Camp. We are anticipating a shortage of coaches. Please let Pastor Berney is you know of anyone that might be interested in helping out in this years camp July 22-26 at Marcus Whitman Jr. High.
  • I would like to memorize the Lord’s Pray over the next three months. This means that our May Monthly Memory Verse will be two verses in Matthew 6:9-10. I realize that this is a fairly well know verse. The value for you and me working on these verses is that it reminds us daily of God’s character and the necessity of prayer. ““Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9–10 ESV) If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday we kick off our new series “Be Wise” with the sermon title with the same name. It can be hard figuring out how to honor Christ and deal with the challenge of living in a secular culture. This is exactly the situation that we find in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. It these two New Testament letters, we will be looking that first, in a desire to gain insights on how to “Be Wise” in a secular world. I do covet your prayers as the Lord bring me to mind. Things continue to be really busy and I need your prayers so that God speaks to me through the text each week so that I can be used of Him to speak to our congregation.

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