• Thanks for the chance to get away for our daughter’s graduation. I want to say thank you to Pastors Berney and Zac and especially everyone that covered the bases while we were gone. It was a good time to celebrate the accomplishments of our daughter and to spend time with family on the East side of the country. Thank you.
  • We had a great response to our first work day and were able to make a huge impact on the property. This Saturday May 12th from 9am-1pm we will be doing workday #2. Our goal will be to do some maintenance on what we cleaned our last time. We will also be attempting to eliminate a pile or two and clearing more of the land. We could use a couple push lawn mowers, weed eaters and other tools necessary for removing the black berry bushes and scotch bloom. A BBQ lunch will be provided by the church. Please bring any equipment and tools that you think might be necessary.
  • The Ladies Discipleship group is also scheduled for this Saturday May 10th at the Ministry Center. The last I heard the group was planning on meeting even though it might create a conflict with some with the special property work day.
  • This Sunday our nation will be recognizing mom on Mother’s Day. We have some special things planned and encourage you to invite your mom or an adopted mom to join you Sunday.
  • We are continuing to move towards our special offering on Sunday May 20th. I know that the Devil will be working overtime to distract us from being part of the blessing of what the Lord is doing. It has been great to hear the testimony of God’s provisions in several of your families as you pray and plan to participate in the SDAP Offering.
  • On Sunday May 20th the whole offering will go to the building fund to be used for obtaining the permit our next permit. It is this permit that allows us to begin to do work in developing the physical site in preparation for a building. This is a huge step of faith for us and I am excited to see what the Lord is going to do through us.  I know that I have been praying about what the Lord would have our family to do. Please be in prayer as we attempt to raise the $12,000-$22,000 needed for the permit process.
  • Guys, there are two men’s group for you. Pastor Berney is leading the one that meets on Tuesday evenings at the Ministry Center at 7pm and Pastor Joe is leading a Thursday Morning 10:30 AM group that meets at the Ministry Center. Pastor Joe’s group will not be meeting for the next couple weeks. We would love to invite you to join us.
  • For our May MMV (Monthly Memory Verse) we have selected a verse that is a bit more foundational and doctrinal. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 ESV This verse in John speaks of the deity of Jesus reminding us that He is God. If you are struggling to develop a memorizing habit let me encourage you to check out ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • Our Annual meeting is coming up Sunday May 20th 4:30 PM at the Ministry Center. Our primary tasks will be approving the 2018-2019 church budget and electing certain officers for key ministry. We will also be discussing the results of the SDAP offering and what is involved in the next.
  • This Sunday is Mothers Day and I will be bringing a special challenge. I do desire your prayers as I study and prepare for this special day as we honor Moms!