I am by nature and introvert and so is my wife. Yet, we have both remarked about how we are missing our regular social interaction. I am really missing connecting with our congregation on Sundays. I am missing the limited interaction with our family. So if you are feeling a little wonky just know that you are not alone.  I will put this out there. Why not pick up the phone and give someone a call. I recently spoke to another adult in our church that shared. It is good to have some adult conversation!

I just wanted to put it out there again to feel free to use the church property to get outside with your family. I think I can encourage this as long as we practice social distancing.

The new things this week are, I gave notice to vacate our office at the Mall. We will need to be moved out by the end of April. I could use some individuals to make single trips ferrying stuff to the office building on the church property. If you can help please contact pastor Joe.

Ok gals, I know that everyone saw this coming. The One Day Ladies Retreat for this month has been cancelled.

Just a reminder for those with Kids at home that Kendra has “Sunday School” curriculum for those parents interested. It can also be a wonderful source for a family devotion time (maybe after dinner around the table). Please contact her.

Let me remind you to join OnRealm our private online church communication platform. Invitation is by request only, so send Pastor Joe and email and phone number. You can now track your giving as well as give through Realm.

I hope our Sunday Live Stream has been a blessing. We will be Streaming again this  Sunday at 10 AM  to both Facebook and YouTube. (Clink Links). There are still those that are having difficulties. Please contact Pastor Joe for Tech Support. I am encouraging our congregation to get it set up on their TV. I see three benefits for this: 1. It allows your family to watch together. 2. It is easier to stay focused than just using your phone. 3. The picture quality is better.

I want to thank those that have sent donations via mail and using your bank’s Bill Pay service. You can now use Living Hope Online Giving (Clink Link). We now have three options for giving: 1. Mail a check to Living Hope Church, P.O. Box 908, Port Orchard, WA 98366. 2. Add the church to your Bank’s bill pay service if offered or  3. Use Living Hope Online Giving through Realm. You do not be a Realm user to give but it does give you access to your giving account. The church does incur about a 3% fee for credit card transactions. Please contact Nathan F or Pastor Joe with any questions.

For April, I am encouraging everyone to work on this month’s verse, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22–23 ESV  If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com

This Sunday we will be moving into the second half of Galatians 5. This is one of the passages of Scripture that offers practical insight into what it takes to grow in Christ. It reminds us of the battle that we all fight. I appreciate your prayers for me, our congregation and our community as we walk through these uncertain times. Pray that we would be a light for Jesus during this difficult time.