• It is hard to express how encouraging God’s Word is to me (and God’s people). It is no surprise that the enemies of our souls (Culture, Sin Nature and the Devil) would work together to keep us separated from God’s truth! Let me encourage you to make time in the word a priority.
  • We are getting so close to calling for the building inspection and the Occupancy permit. The last big task is completed with the installation of the ADA handrails. We only need to wrap up a few small items before we can call for the final inspection. I am hoping to schedule it before the end of the week. We also received another answer to prayer with the scheduling of the cable internet service on Monday! Keep Praying.
  • We have two Men’s groups that are meeting. Pastor Berney leads a Thursday Evening group at 7:00 pm at the church office studying the Minor Prophets. Pastor Joe is leading the Thursday Men’s daytime group at 10AM also at the office. The Thursday daytime group is doing Sermon based discussions for those interested.
  • Ladies, time to make plans for the Spring Ladies Retreat. You will want to set aside Friday and Saturday, April 23rd and 24th for this special get together. Stay tuned from more information.
  • Six-8 Youth Jr high meets on Sundays, 5-7pm at the Church Office. The Sr High is now meeting on Fridays, 6:30-8:30pm, also at the Church Office. The Tuesday night Youth Hangout, 6:30-8:30pm, for both groups will continue to be at the Schramek’s. Please contact Pastor Zac for more information.
  • Our Monthly Memory Verse for March 2021 reminds us of the importance of Godly living. It is a reminder that we are God’s light seen by others. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 ESV  If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • The Lord has been leading us in our time in God’s Word to focus on living out our relationship with Him. This coming Sunday we will be touching on the importance of being a light for Jesus in an ever darkening world. We do covet your prayers as we seek the Lord’s face as we prepare to open the Word to our congregation. Your prayers are essential to our ministry.