• What an exciting weekend. Congratulations to those that were baptized. Please continue to be praying for them as they grow in the Lord. I should also add that there are others that have indicated their desire to be baptized as a result of the service. Pray for them.
  • I understand that the Ladies Night Out Movie Night was a huge success and a blessing to those attending.
  • The youth had a great game and movie night also at the Schramek’s. There were those that played games and the rest that enjoyed the movie Minions after our Bible Study.
  • Guys, just a reminder that the Camp Gilead Men’s Retreat is just around the corner. I am hoping that you will attend and I am trying to take our biggest group this year. Please let either Tony S. or Pastor Joe know if you will be attending. It promises to be a great retreat!
  • If you are interested in being baptized please contact Pastor Joe. There are several that have expressed interest.
  • The Easter series mailers are currently being printed. The five week series beginning Easter Sunday is “I Love My Church!” This will be a great service to invite your friends and family to attend. Pray that the Lord would use it to allow us to connect with many that just attend church on Easter Sunday.
  • We are providing “I Love My Church” T-shirts. Please complete one of the insert in this weekend bulletin to help up plan for the number and sizes needed. We are asking for a donation of $5 per shirt and encouraging families to donate to help defray that cost of the shirts for our guests.
  • Thinking of Easter, we are currently collect candy or donations for the kids Egg Hunt. If you desire to help, please bring your donation on Sunday or mark your financial gift and place in the offering.
  • We will be hosting our Annual Easter Brunch. Please check out the sign-up this week.
  • This week we will be focusing on an in-house series titled “My Eternity Portfolio.”  We will be exploring the Biblical teaching of having an “Eternity Perspective” concerning our lives, investments and ministry. Pastor Joe will be bringing a special series of messages over the next three weeks as we also promote our “Laying the Foundation for the Future” stewardship emphasis.