Rearview Mirror 3-2-2017

  • I want to say congratulations to the four people that were baptized this week. It was exciting to hear how the Lord has been working in your lives and the role that Living Hope has played in that. We are praying for you to continue to grow in the Lord.
  • I want to say Thanks to the Mallorys for their presentation of Camp Gilead. It is great to part of a fellowship and be able to partner with ministries like the camp. I hope that you are making plans to get your student to camp this year. We will also be participating in the camps Men’s and Women’s retreats this year. I am going to encourage our men to take our biggest group yet. Maybe the ladies would want to challenge the men?
  • It was a busy weekend in that it was also our 2nd Quarter Business meeting. I want to thank everyone that attended. The majority of the time was spent on reviewing the current status of our conditional use permit for our property. I am encouraging everyone to pray as we move into, hopefully, the last phase of this step.
  • Someone mentioned to me that there are others that are interested in getting baptized. If that happens to be you, please talk to Pastor Joe. We are tentatively planning another baptism service for the end of  March.
  • This Sunday I will introduce our March MMV (Monthly Memory Verse) thanks to the suggestion of Joelle P. The verse selected is one of my favorites and has been used greatly in my life to encourage me to give by burdens to the Lord in prayer. And our March verse is Philippians 4:6-7. Come Sunday prepared to recite it! FYI. For those of your in a NAV 2:7 group, this is one of your verses! Also, if you are looking for a good phone app, I recommend the Scripture Typer App. (IOS and Android)
  • I know August seems a long way off, but Family Camp is just around the corner. Let me encourage you to plan now to join us we head back to Lake Cushman over the weekend of August 25-27. If you are interested please let us know so we can reserve a site for you. It is also a great event to bring a friend.
  • There is a need for additional helpers in our Sunday KidsZone Ministry and for our Sunday evening AWANA program. If you are interested, please talk to Kendra D. (KidsZone) and Pastor Berney (AWANA).
  • Thanks to those that have submitted memory verses. The pastors will be reviewing the submissions for the April verse. Please text, email your favorite verse and the reason why.

We ended our Reboot series with the Baptismal service this past week. This Sunday we will be launching a new series based on the life of Jesus called “Life Lessons.” We will be looking at life lessons that we can learn from Jesus. This week we will be focusing on the need to “Live on Purpose.” I do covet your prayers as I study and prepare for the challenge that the Lord would have me bring to our congregation this Sunday. Thank You for praying.

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