• WooHoo! It is hard to imagine that March 15, 2020 was the last public service at Marcus Whitman Jr. High. There were several times that we thought this day would happen over the last year that did not. I am reminded that God’s timing is always perfect.
  • Let me attempt to respond to one of the questions that everyone wants to ask. Will we be holding a service this Sunday? No, we are not ready. We are planning our first service open to the public for Easter Sunday April 4th. (I will be posting more information this week on Realm.) There is still a lot of work to be done with the tech and the configuration of the facility. This is a great time to help. Please contact your ministry leader if you are available to help.
  • We have two Men’s groups that are meeting. Pastor Berney leads a Thursday Evening group 7:00 pm at the church office studying the Minor Prophets. Pastor Joe is leading the Thursday Men’s daytime group at 10AM also at the office. The Thursday daytime group is doing Sermon based discussions for those interested.
  • Ladies, time to make plans for the Spring Ladies Retreat. You can now register for the Friday and Saturday of April 23rd and 24th on Realm. This will be the first non-service event to be held in the new building! (Click Here to Register)
  • Six-8 Youth Jr high meets on Sundays 5-7pm at the Church Office. The Sr High is now meeting on Fridays 6:30-8:30pm also at the Church Office. The Tuesday night Youth Hangout 6:30-8:30pm for both groups will continue to be at the Schramek’s. Please contact Pastor Zac for more information.
  • Our Monthly Memory Verse for March 2021 reminds us of the importance of Godly living. We are a reminder that we are God’s light seen by others. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 ESV  If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • This week we will continue our study “Living Above the Noise” from Philippians 1. We will be focusing on Philippians 1:19-26 as Paul challenges us to have a healthy view of death as it relates to our relationship with Jesus. It has been a great week. Thanks for praying for the Word as we prepare and it is preached. Thank You.