• It was good to teach the 201 Spiritual Maturity CLASS materials. It is awesome to be able to help those that desire to grow! I was blessed by it also.
  • A big thanks to everyone that was part of the 2nd Quarter Business meeting Sunday afternoon. There is a lot of things going on. We had a great time going through the site plan for property and discussing future church events. I am excited by what the Lord is doing!
  • We are doing something special for Six-8 Youth this coming Friday. We will be meeting at the Lopez’s 6:15pm and heading over to the Schramek’s for a game and/or movie night while the moms and other ladies enjoy the Ladies Night Out. The students will be transported from the Lopez’s and need to bring $5 for pizza! Respond on the Six8 Facebook page if you can make it.
  • Ladies, Sharlene H will be hosting a special Ladies Night Out event, a Movie Night, at her home this Friday February 26th. She is asking those attending to RSVP so she can plan accordingly. Check out more information in this weeks bulletin.
  • This weekend will be a Baptism service. If you are interested there is still time. please contact Pastor Joe.
  • Wow. God has really used our last weekend studying Romans 12 for our “Transformed” series. I want to thank all of you that have been sharing how the Lord is working in your life. Praise the Lord! As I have already mentioned we have a special service planned this week focused on the Baptisms. These are the some of the best services as we are reminded of how God is working in our midst. Please pray for those getting baptized. I would also covet your prayers as I am in the midst of preparing for the next two series. A mini-series “The Eternity Portfolio” scheduled for the first three weeks in March and then the “I Love My Church” series scheduled for the next five week, beginning on Easter Sunday.