Rearview Mirror 2-23-2017

  • It was good to be back to visit family this past week. I want to say thanks to everyone that stepped in to help out while I was gone. We had a great time seeing family on the other side of the country. Thank You.
  • There are a couple of exciting things happening this weekend. First, we will be having another Baptismal service. There are four that are desiring to be baptized this weekend. I know that they would appreciate your prayers. If you are interested in being baptized, please talk to Pastor Joe.
  • The second thing this weekend will be a special presentation by Camp Gilead. I am looking forward to having the Mallory’s to present the Camp Ministry this Sunday.
  • Just a reminder that our Quarterly Meeting will be this Sunday at 4pm at the Ministry Center. We will be providing an update our the current status of the property development.
  • I hope you are working on our February Monthly Memory Verse (MMV). Come prepared to recite 2 Peter 1:3 this Sunday. If you are looking for a good phone app, I recommend the Scripture Typer App. (IOS and Android)
  • Just another reminder to be a part of Family Camp this Summer. We will be heading back to Lake Cushman over the weekend of August 25-27. If you are interested please let us know so we can reserve a site for you. It is also a great event to bring a friend.
  • Just a reminder to keep praying for our Conditional Use Permit. We have received notice that things are moving forward with our process. Thanks for praying.
  • There is a need for additional helpers in our Sunday KidsZone Ministry and for our Sunday evening AWANA program. If you are interested, please talk to Kendra D. (KidsZone) and Pastor Berney (AWANA).
  • Thanks to those that have submitted memory verses. The pastors will be reviewing the submissions for the March verse. Please text, email your favorite verse and the reason why.
  • This week we will be wrapping up our Reboot series with the special Baptismal service this weekend. Please pray that the Lord would use this special service to touch lives.

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