- It has been a crazy week. I trust that everyone is hunkered down and doing well as we wait for the remnants of the storm to melt off. I hope that you have been able to enjoy some time with your family and take advantage of the snow. It is times like these that we are reminded that God is in control.
- I am planning on holding worship services this weekend. Please keep an eye on the church website for any changes. I am not sure where things are going with school being out this week. Our Sunday service this weekend will depend on the weather conditions, availability of the school and being able to get our gear there. I am planning on services this weekend unless the situation dictates otherwise.
- We cancelled several events last weekend that are being rescheduled, a baby shower, the M.C. move and our Quarterly Business meeting.
- The Ministry Center move is on hold. Our desire would be to do it on a Saturday but it may need to happen on a week night or over several evening. Our priority is to get the main room cleared out so that they can start working on refinishing the floor. I will let you know once we have more information.
- We have tentatively rescheduled our 2nd Quarterly Business Meeting Sunday February 17th at the Ministry Center at 3PM. This is assuming that we have access to the M.C. on Sunday afternoon. There may be scheduling changes.
- Weather permitting and M.C. availability, we are still planning on offering another 101 Discovering Church Membership class this Saturday, February 16th 9am-3pm. Lunch will be provided. We would love to have you. Please let Pastor Joe know if you are interested.
- Our traditional February church Potluck is scheduled for for Sunday February 24th after the AM Service. You will want to plan to hang around. Be sure to bring a main dish & dessert or a main dish & salad.
- We will continue our work with February’s MMV focusing on Psalm 23:5. It is a reminder of God’s blessing in our lives. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5 ESV If you need some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
- Our focus this Sunday will continue to be on regeneration in our series “A New You.” I will be leaving time for questions from the sermon after the end of the message. Thank you so much for praying. I sense God is working in a powerful way in our midst. It is your prayers for the service and for me that are making a difference. Thank You.