• Good bye 2020. I want to Thank You for an interesting year that has changed me in so many ways. Yes, you have confronted me with the fear of death but also strengthened my faith in the Lord. You have taught me much about doing ministry over the internet and you have also deepened my commitment to the Gospel and my focus on people. It has also been a year when you have taught me that God is not limited by human fears and circumstances. So on the eve of 2021, I move forward with a stronger faith and more clearly defined conviction as a follower of Jesus because of you. Thank You 2020!
  • I want to give a shout out to everyone that helped make the Christmas Eve open house a wonderful time. It was a time to celebrate what the Lord is doing through the property but also a time to enjoy the fellowship of other believers. Thanks to those that provided cookies and those that served. Thanks to those that put the lights and decorations together. And thank you to everyone that participated in this special event!
  • Our ministries this next week are taking a break for the holiday season.
  • The Worship building continues to take shape. This past week the Sheetrock work was completed along with a fresh coat of paint. We also had the carpet installed. All I can say is Wow! We have a few small items to be done on the building next week. The next big project is getting the porches, sidewalks and steps installed. Once these items are done we should be close to getting a final inspection on the Building Permit. Thanks so much for praying.
  • Our first Memory Verse for January 2021 is our theme verse for this year. “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • This Sunday we will launch the New Year with a message on walking by faith in 2021. We are experiencing the blessing of prior steps of faith that we have taken as individuals and as a congregation. The New Year with a New building is a time for us to renew our commitment to bringing Jesus to those in our community. I do covet your prayers as I prepare for the special challenge this Sunday!