·  Caryl and I send our Christmas greetings and Christian love to each of you this Holiday season. I hope that your hearts will be touched as you are reminded of God’s working through that first Christmas to bring you into a relationship with Him!

· Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Friday December 24th 6PM. We will be celebrating our Christmas Candlelight Service in the new building.

· Christmas Sunday Service, will be celebrated on Sunday December 26th at both the 9:00 AM and the 10:30 AM services. 

· New Years Eve Game Night, we will be hosting a Game Night Friday December 31st at the Ministry Center from 6:00 PM until ??? (10 PM).  We are asking those coming to bring a snack and beverages to share. Oh, and be sure to bring your favorite games.

· Baptismal Service(s). It was a special service this past week with the Baptisms. It is a huge blessing to see the Lord’s working in our church over the last year. I want to congratulate those baptized this past week and welcome them as our newest church members. We are already planning another baptism for January. If you are interested, please speak with Pastor Joe.

· Christmas Caroling. Wow, what a great time. It was a personal blessing to me but also at the homes we visited. It was a wonderful afternoon as we sung from the sidewalk outside a care facility to those homes that we visited. It was amazing how the neighbors at many of the locations came out to enjoy the caroling!

· Media Ministry Opportunity If you are interested in helping with the media presentation and/or production on Sunday mornings, please contact Pastor Joe.

·  AWANA is now on Christmas break. Club will resume on January 9 at 5:30pm.  

·  Adult Bible and Men’s Studies will return from the Christmas break the week of January 2nd.

·  Prayer Meeting will also resume the on Wednesday January 5th 7PM in the Admin Building.

·  Six-8 Youth Group will also resume after Christmas break on Tuesday January 4th 6PM in the Ministry Center. Please contact Pastor Berney with any questions.

·  Our Monthly Memory Verse for December reminds us to focus on what we are celebrating this and every Christmas. “And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” Luke 2:10 ESV I strongly encourage you to develop a system for memorizing Scripture. It could be using 3×5 cards or even an app. Let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)

·  We will be concluding out Christmas series this week from Luke 2:1-7 as we look at the account of Jesus’ birth. The title for the message is “Jesus – Our Reason for Hope!” as we walk through the night of Jesus’ birth. I cannot express my gratitude for your prayers. We are humbled by all that the Lord is doing and you prayers are making a difference. Merry Christ-mas.