• I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas. Let me encourage you to make the Savior a part of your holiday celebrations. There are many ways to do this and one our family likes is reading the Luke account of the Christmas story.
  • We had an incredible time caroling this past Sunday. We have been doing this as a church since 2001 and it had to be one of our best times. It so prepared my heart for Christmas as we were touched by the people that we hoped to touch. I want to thank everyone that participated in this wonderful event.
  • This Christmas is a little unique in that Christmas day is on a Sunday. There will be two different Christmas services this weekend. We will hold our tradition Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Saturday 6pm-7pm at Marcus Whitman. We will also celebrate Christmas Sunday with a one hour service from 10am-11am. I hope that you will be able to join us for one of these service and both.
  • Please continue to prayer for the development of our church property. We are still working on obtaining a Conditional Use Permit that allows us to use the property as a church. We are nearing the end of the process and still have a few issues to work out. Your prayer is essential.
  • Pray for our teens that will be heading off to the Teen Leadership Conference (TLC) this coming Wednesday and returning Friday. I would request your prayers for those attending that the Lord would work in hearts as well as provide safety traveling there and back.
  • This is a good time to a least begin to think about the New Year. Below are several ministries you might enjoy.
  • Our “Younger Adults” will be launching a new Bible study in January. If you are an adult and interested in getting together for encouragement you will want to be there. Talk to Pastor Berney if you are interested.
  • The Ladies Discipleship group meets the first Saturday of each month. The next meeting is Saturday, January 7th 10am-Noon at the Ministry Center.
  • It was great to have a baptismal service this past Sunday. Just a heads up that we are already planning another service for January. We have several that are interested in being baptized.  If you are interested you will want to contact Pastor Joe.
  • This week we conclude our Christmas series “All I Want for Christmas” as we look at the deeper desires and needs in our lives. This week I will be sharing briefly on forgiveness in the message “I Just Want to Be Forgiven.” This last blessing of Christmas is the gift through Jesus of being right with God and others! Thank you for all your prayers for this special holiday weekend. We need it.