•      Today, the 19th is Caryl and my 32nd Anniversary. I want to give a shout out to my wonderful wife. I love you! Happy Anniversary!
  •      The church office will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s. Also our office hours are irregular with working on the church property. If  you have a need please contact a pastor directly on their cell phones.
  •     The main focus on the church property continues to be installing fence and installing more fence. We recently placed (I hope) our last order for fencing materials. I want to get a shout out to everyone that has helped us get this far and especially Steve F. Steve M also gets a shout out for working on the modular plumbing. We are still waiting on power to get installed. We are patiently (I think) waiting.  Please keep praying.
  •    A big thanks to Schramek’s for lighting the candle last week!
  •    We wound up cancelling Caroling this week. Our congregation has been hit with sickness. It was good for Pastor Berney and myself to spending the time visiting those that are unable to get out. I was a little disappointed but the Lord used the visits to spend some time with those shut-in.
  •      Well this Sunday will technically be Christmas Sunday. There is still time to invite your friends and others to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. 6pm at Marcus Whitman. It is hard to imagine that this may be our last Candlelight service at Marcus where we have held it since 2001.
  •      A big thanks to everyone that supported our Youth Ministry with the purchase of Christmas Wreaths. Thank You. You will also want to pray for those that are attending TLC this year.
  •      We are planning a New Year’s Eve game night which will be at the Miller’s home. This is a great time to bring your favorite game along with those leftover goodies to share with others.
  •      We will be finishing off our memorization of Psalm 100 with verses 4 and 5 for December. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:4–5 ESV ) If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This Sunday in our Christmas series “Waiting For Jesus” our focus will be on “A Time for Peace.” It is interesting that our world craves Peace. I know that I do. Yet all to often we attempt to find it without God. This Sunday as we look at the Angels we will be reminded that Christmas offers true Peace in a troubled world as we wait for the Lord’s return. I do covet your prayers. Please pray that the Lord works in me and also for those in attendance.