Rearview Mirror 11-5-2020

  • 2020 has not let us down. It reminds me of  riding “Space Mountain” not knowing what is coming next with all the twists, turns and drops. Yes we may get thrown around on a corner, feel our stomach drop out on a drop, let out a scream or scare us to death. I can enjoy the ride because I know that it is engineered to get me back safe and sound. Life is just this for us as believers because we know that the Lord has designed the ride.
  • Let me encourage you to intentionally touch another person this holiday season. One way we can do that is by putting together gift boxes for our 2020 Operation Christmas Child drive. Just a reminder you can still pickup boxes if needed (Please contact George H). The drop off is Sunday November 15th from 1-3pm at the church property.
  • Gals, just a reminder that the Ladies Discipleship Group is this Saturday November 7, 10am-Noon at Nina’s. Please reach out to Caryl P for more information.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings as well for those guys interested. Contact Pastor Berney for more info.
  • Six8 Please check our Facebook for the most current information.
  • It has been another exciting week related to the Worship building. The building is almost complete waiting for the final inspection. The contractors are ready to dig the pit and pour the foundation. The different vendors are lined up to get it hooked up. It is possible depending on the weather of having it onsite in the next three to four weeks. I will be making a trip to check it out this coming Monday at the factory. If anyone is interested in tagging along, please let me know. I will just need to clear it with the factory.
  • Our new verse for our November Memory Verse is “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;” James 1:19 ESV  James reminds us in another place of the damage that can be done with our tongues referring to it like starting a forest fire.  If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • Our study this week in “Lessons for the Journey” will continue to focus on the ministry of Elijah. Last week he was dealing with the personal challenges of walking with the Lord. This week we will be looking at the challenges of walking with the Lord in a secular nation. I do covet your prayers. The Lord is at work in a mighty way but so is our adversary. The Lord is using your prayers to touch hearts and lives through our teaching time each Sunday. Thank you for praying.

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