• I hope that you take some time as an individual and as a family to remember the Lord’s goodness and blessings in your life over this past year. Let me suggest that as you gather for the traditional meal that someone reads a Psalm and says a prayer of blessing for them meal and God’s goodness.
  • Another Operation Christmas Child drive is in the books. It looks like we had 54 total boxes dropped off not counting those that dropped their own boxes off. It is exciteing to think that our church is able to touch the lives of over 54 children this Christmas. Now it is time to pray that the Lord would use our boxes in the lives of these children and their family and communities!
  • Ladies let me encourage you to be a part of the new ladies study that meets at the Ministry Center on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm.
  • Guys our Men’s group is meeting Thursday mornings at 10:30AM at the Ministry Center. We are using the sermon questions in the back of the sermon inserts.
  • Just a reminder for those Jr and Sr High students that our Teen Leadership Conference is just around the corner. TLC is held over three days at a Young Life Camp in central Oregon. There will be close to 400 hundred students and leaders in attendance of this incredible event. If you or your child would like to attend please talk to Pastor Joe. Registration and a $50 deposit needs to be in by Sunday December 5th.
  • We still have about 10 Six-8 Christmas Wreaths available for purchase. Thank you to everyone that has supported our youth by purchasing a wreath!. The cost is $15 each and will be available this Sunday. Due to the generosity of a few individuals 100% of your gift goes to support what God is doing in the hearts and lives of our young people.
  • Thanks to those that were part of the 1st Quarterly business meeting. It was good to be reminded of all that the Lord is doing. We also discussed the financial needs of the church. I want to say Thank You to those that are faithful in giving. If you are able to do extra it could be a huge blessing.
  • The focus for this Sunday in our “God Question” series will be “What Happens After I Die?” We all seem to intuitively know that there is something after death but what? This Sunday I will be teaching on what the Bible has to reveal. Pray that the Lord would give me understanding and then empower me as I communicate His truth.