• I want to give a shout out to Pastor Berney for covering our time together this past Sunday. Caryl and I were attending church for our granddaughter’s dedication. What a blessing to be able to support our adult children and our grandkids. It was also special to be able to worship with other believers. I am excited for the installation of our Worship building.
  • Ladies the plans for this year’s Christmas Party have been cancelled.
  • Ladies Discipleship group will be meet Saturday December 12 10am – Noon at the new Ministry Center (Office Building). Reach out to Caryl with any questions.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings. Contact Pastor Berney for more info.
  • Six8- Please check our Facebook for the most current information.
  • I would encourage you to drive by the church site when you have a chance. There are changes being made on site almost every day. There are several milestones and accomplishments to celebrate this week. The first is we passed out final inspection on the Office modular and have an Occupancy Permit. The Worship building passed the final inspection at the factory. The foundation pit was dug over this past weekend. The concrete guys have installed the footer forms and they have been inspected. The conduit for the electrical main power has been installed and inspected. We have locked down a number of project milestones related to powering up the building, installing flooring and even have a tentative delivery date. The four modules will be delivered over 4 days due to the availability of only one transport truck (December 4-8). Thanks for praying as these are tentative dates considering other factors like weather and vendor availability. We are looking at a late January/ early February date for building occupancy. Thank for praying for the new building. We also need your prayers as we work through getting internet connectivity to the site.
  • Our November Memory Verse is “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;” James 1:19 ESV  James reminds us in another place of the damage that can be done with our tongues referring to it like starting a forest fire.  If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • This week in “Lessons for the Journey” we will be continuing our study in the life and ministry of Elijah. Elijah finds himself facing failure after being overcome by fear after the Lord uses him on Mount Carmel to defeat the prophets of Baal. Elijah gives up on himself, but Lord does not. This passage is a powerful challenge to you and I to press on for Jesus! Thanks so much for your prayers that the Lord would open our eyes to the text as he works in us and through us.