• Remember to pray for two church families that have lost loved ones over the past two weeks. Ann Marie’s mom, known as “Grannie” (Josephine Isaac), is now with the Lord and a service is being planned for early December. Also Steve F. father passed away this past week. I know that both families would appreciate your prayers.
  • What a blessing to have those interested in church membership attend the 101 Discovering Church membership class this past weekend. It is always a highlight for me to teach these seminars. I leave encouraged for what the Lord is going to do through our church in this community.
  • We will be having our 1st Quarter Congregational Meeting, Sunday November 20th at 4pm at the Ministry Center. We have one important item to discuss and also an update will be provided on the progress of the development of our church property. We are asking all members to attend and regular attenders and others are welcome.
  • We have several that are interested in being baptized. We are scheduling a baptismal service for Sunday December 18th. If you are interested, you will want to contact Pastor Joe. There will also be a flyer in the bulletin over the next couple weeks.
  • Our “Younger Adults” will be meeting on Friday December 2nd at 6:30 at Nathan and Amy F.’s home. If you are an adult and interested in getting together for encouragement you will want to be there. This would include single, married and those with young children.
  • We will be collecting the Operation Christmas Child boxes this Sunday at the AM service. Just a reminder that there is still time to put your boxes of love together for this year’s outreach.
  • Our Christmas Wreaths are still available. 100% of the costs for the Christmas Wreaths go to funding the Annual Teen Leadership Conference over Christmas break. The wreaths will be delivered Thanksgiving Sunday.
  • We will continue our series on the sovereignty of God in our last message in the series as we focus on finances. The message for this week will be, “God’s Got My Back – Money.” I never cease to be amazed at the Lord’s faithfulness. Thank you so much for praying for me as I do the work in the Word to prepare for the message this Sunday.