• I am so thankful that I belong to the Lord and that I have access to God’s Word. I have found it to be a great source of comfort and insight with all the things happening in 2020. I trust the Lord to guide us in reaching more people for him in our changing times. I know that many Christians are pulling back, but that is just what the Devil would want us to do.
  • The Women’s ministry is working out the date for the Ladies Christmas party. Gals, you will want to put Friday December 4, 7pm on your calendar. The location and specifics are still being worked out. Please reach out to Caryl P for more information.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings for those interested. Contact Pastor Berney for more info.
  • Six8- Please check our Facebook for the most current information.
  • Things are really hopping at the church site. First we have called for the final inspections on the Office building. It is complete! We now need to obtain an occupancy permit. Second, I was able to walk through the finished Worship building at the factory. It is AWEsome! It was incredible being able to see it all together and finished with the exception of the flooring. (I will post pictures on Realm). The great news is that the foundation is being dug this Saturday. The concrete guys will start Monday on the foundation. It is looking like a building delivery date at the end of this month. Third, our street light was installed today over the entrance. I do appreciate your prayers for wisdom and God’s leading in all that is happening. 
  • Our new verse for our November Memory Verse is “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;” James 1:19 ESV  James reminds us in another place of the damage that can be done with our tongues referring to it like starting a forest fire.  If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • This week in “Lessons for the Journey” we will be looking at one of the favorite Sunday School lessons- Elijah against the Prophets of Baal. The passage is more than just for kids. It is a reminder that our Lord is seated on the throne. The passage reveals God’s love for those that have rejected Him. Thank you so much for your prayers. Living Hope is a church that has been built on prayer from the very beginning. We need it now just as much as we did two decades ago. Thank you for praying.