• It has been a very interesting week in our nation with the National Election. I would like to encourage those of us that are followers of Jesus to remain Christ-like in our words and actions. If you are interested, I spoke to this from God’s Word this past Sunday and you can check out the message, “God’s Got Your Back – Government” from Romans 13. Our nation needs God’s help and our prayers through this time of transition.
  • It was great to attend the Iron Sharpens Iron men’s conference that past weekend. I want to say thanks to those men that attended with me. I know that I was personally blessed by the challenges from God’s Word. It is so important for men (and women) to take advantage of opportunities like this to be challenged and encouraged from God’s Word.
  • We have rescheduled the 101 Discovering Church Membership CLASS for this Saturday November 12th.  We will be meeting at the Ministry Center from 9am-3pm with lunch being provided. Please contact Pastor Joe if you can attend.
  • We are working on getting our Younger Adults together. There are several interests to minister to each other as well as reaching out to friends. If you are interested please sign up or contact Pastor Joe.
  • Our Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back on Nov. 20. This is an incredible opportunity to share Christ’s love with children around the world. It is incredible to think about the impact that a shoebox filled with a few items can have for Jesus.
  • Our Christmas Wreath sales is another important Christmas Outreach. 100% of the costs for the Christmas Wreaths goes to funding the Annual Teen Leadership Conference over Christmas break. The wreaths will be delivered the Thanksgiving Sunday.
  • We will be focusing on the sovereignty of God when I face crisis in my life. The message for this week will be, “God’s Got My Back – Crisis.” It is so important we we understand not only that God is in control but that we can trust Him. Pray that the Lord would work in me as I prepare to speak on Sunday and then that He would speak through me as I open God’s Word for our congregation.