Rearview Mirror 11-1-2018

  • I happen to be back in Pittsburgh visiting family as I write this to you. I want to ask you to take time to pray for our nation and to remember those that are suffering from the shooting at the Synagogue here. I am reminded of Jesus words to his followers in Luke 18:1 “And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” Luke 18:1 Our nation and our neighbors need our prayers!
  • There will be a Property Team meeting this Sunday evening 7pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Just a reminder, gals, that the Ladies Discipleship Group will be meeting next Saturday November 10, 10am at the Ministry Center.
  • Team Leaders please note that our meeting for this Tuesday November 6th has been rescheduled to November 13, 7pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Guys, our next Men’s Flapjacks and Fellowship with be Saturday November 18. So be sure to get that on your schedule.
  • In the midst of confusion, our Operation Christmas Child emphasis is a huge step forward in bringing the love of Jesus to the World. I was in a church Sunday that was doing just like us. I wonder how many churches are participating? Then we need to think about all the kids that will be touched. Don’t forget to get your boxes turned in by Sunday November 18.
  • I know that some of you are struggling with memorizing Bible verses. I have chosen to have us memorize the popular passage of Psalm 23. It speaks to all of us. This month our verse is Psalm 23:2. It is an easy verse that you need to commit to memory. “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” Psalm 23:2 ESV  Let me encourage to memorize all 6 verses of Psalm 23. If you are needing some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week I will bring a message titled, “Get Ready to Vote.” I will be taking time to expand on some of the Biblical teaching in the verses that I touched in my article as well as encouraging us to be engaged in our civic responsibilities. Thank you for praying. It is the most important thing you can do!

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