• Time is running out to be a part of the Operation Christmas Child emphasis. You can start dropping off your boxes on Sunday. You will also want to register and pay the $9 fee online. We will have more boxes this Sunday for those that were not able to pick them up this past Sunday. This is an outstanding way to share the love of Jesus is a practical way.
  • We continue to move forward on the sale of the MC and the property development. We put up a new sign on the property. A big thanks to Pastor Berney for the design and to Steve and Gordon for getting it out there. This is also a reminder to reach out to the new faces on Sunday. Take a moment to get to know those that the Lord is leading to visit.
  • The closing date for the MC sale was moved to the end of November. We will have use of the building until the middle of January. This is good news for us. Also continue to pray for our Site Development Activity Permit progress. We are hoping to have the initial review done by November.
  • Thanks to those that have been helping with packing up. A big shout out to those who have committed to doing the kitchen stuff. I am still needing help with digitizing records. Please touch base with Pastor Joe.
  • I have selected a popular and powerful verse for our MMV for October.  It is a verse that reminds us of God’s shepherding in our lives. “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 ESV  Let me encourage you to memorize all 6 verses of Psalm 23. If you are needing some accountability with working on your verse please check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • This week our guest speaker with be Pastor Barry Gorsuch. Pastor Barry is a part of our ministry. He has been helping lead worship and this Sunday was an excellent opportunity to give him an opportunity to minister God’s Word. It will be a blessing. I know that he would benefit from your prayers. Thank you again for praying.