Rearview Mirror 10-19-2017

  • Let me encourage you to pray for our congregation. There have been a rash of challenging situations for a number of our family. We have several families struggling with several different issues. Your prayers and encouragement is vital to these family members.
  • Just a reminder that the Hearing for our Conditional Use Permit will be next week on Thursday October 26th. The Hearing Examiner has reopened the hearing just to have questions answered on traffic issues raised by the city. Just a reminder to pray for our project.
  • I am excited to be launching a new Parenting Class with the Fergusons this Friday October 20th at 6:30PM at the Fergusons. If you are interested in attending, there is still time. The cost of the class will be $25 per couple. The focus of the class is developing a Biblical parenting model. Talk to Amy F or Pastor Joe if you are interested or have questions.
  • Don’t forget to pick up and fill your Operation Christmas Child gift boxes. It is exciting to be able to bless a child in another part of the world. I hope you will join us in filling shoe boxes to bring God’s love around the world. You can pick up a box and instructions (some things have changed this year) on Sunday.
  • Please pray about the need we have for Sunday School teachers and AWANA helpers. If you are interested in either of these talk to Kendra (KidsZone/Sunday School) or Pastor Berney (AWANA).
  • Please keep praying for someone that can “Sign” in the service. We would like to offer this. We have been unable to locate someone that could help. Please let Pastor Joe know if you have any ideas.
  • I have selected Psalms 1:1-2 for our October MMV (Monthly Memory Verse). “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:1–2 ESV It is a reminder of the need to be on our guard. Let me encourage those of you with smart phones or tablets to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • Our “No Excuses” study will be focusing on forgiveness. It is easy to make excuses for Forgiving the wrong done. If we are to “Live with No Excuses, Love with No Regrets” then we need to allow God to work through our forgiveness. What is amazing is that our act of forgiving another actually sets us free. Thanks again for praying for the Lord to work in my life as I prepare to minister to our congregation. It is amazing to see the Lord answer your prayers through the messages. Thanks for praying.

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