• I am reminded in life that there are those thing that we control and those that we do not. I can “work” on the areas that I can control but I have to leave the others to the Lord. This is true for our building. There is no new update on the Worship modular building this week. We are still in a holding pattern waiting for a delivery date. We have been making steady progress on the Office Modular. The ramp is completed and waiting on handrails. We are currently working on the “guardrails” for the deck itself. We have also been making progress on getting the interior of the building in shape. Keep praying for the Worship building. ***Update 10-15-2020 4:47PM Woo Hoo. It looks like we are looking at an early November delivery of the Worship Building! ***
  • The big thing this week is that one of the windows of the Office building unexpectedly blew out on Tuesday close to where we were working on the deck. Thankfully no one was injured. The decision has been made to move forward with replacing the broken window along with all the windows. We are looking at a cost of $2000. One family is donating $500 and I wanted to encourage others to join them. (I learned of a second family accepting the challenge this afternoon!) This would allow us not to touch our existing building funds that are marked for the Worship Modular. If you can help, just designate your gift to Windows.
  • I was excited to hear that one family has adopted a portion of the church landscaping. The challenge is for others to adopt a section to help us keep it presentable as a testimony for the Lord. Please contact Pastor Berney if you are interested getting involved.
  • Pastor Joe’s 7 PM Wednesday Night Study is currently NOT meeting due to my schedule.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings for those guys involved in the group. Contact Pastor Berney for more info.
  • Six8 -Please check out Facebook for the most current information.
  • Our October Monthly Memory Verse is “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”” Luke 19:10 ESV  This verse reminds us of the importance of our mission as follower of Jesus. We are called to touch lives. If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • We will be continuing our study in 1 Kings this Sunday in our series “Lessons for the Journey.” Our current section is discouraging as we cover one ungodly king after another. Yet, the Lord has much to teach us through the lives of others. We do covet your prayers as we prepare each week. Thank You