Rearview Mirror 10-1-2020

  • Today, as I write, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness to our church. I am speaking of God’s faithfulness related to getting into a building of our own. It is hard to imagine that the process began back in 2015. In March 15, 2015 we began negotiating on the current property that would be purchased several months later with no cash funds. It would take the next several years to work through the different permits required. We would spend 2 ½ year on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP). We would invest another 2 years on obtaining the Site Development Permit (SDAP). God has revealed His hand again and again each step of the way. This weekend we will hit another Milestone as we break ground for our Worship building! It is humbling to be reminded of God’s faithfulness each step of the way.
  • Our Worship Building ground breaking ceremony will be held outdoors on the property this Sunday October 4th. The activities will begin with the Church providing a simple cookout style lunch at 11:30am. The service will follow at 12 Noon and conclude with the Ground Breaking Ceremony. Pastor Dave Lunford, the Regional Director for our fellowship, will be speaking. We will be attempting to “Live Stream” the service. The service will also be recorded to be uploaded for those not able to attend. We are asking everyone to bring their own lawn chair for the event.
  • I want to give a shout out to everyone that has been helping to get the property ready for Sunday. We have another workday this Saturday, October 3, from 9Am to Noon. We are hoping to knock out the last section of weeds on the west property line. We also have some painting that needs to be done. We will also need help with setting things up. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please bring tools, a chair and others!
  • Ladies, just a reminder that the next Ladies Discipleship group is scheduled for Saturday October 10 10AM. Please reach out to Caryl Parkinson for more information.
  • Good news is that we have our L&I Permit for the building. Things are moving forward at the factory. I am hoping to get a delivery date soon. We have been able to knock off a bunch of loose ends at the site as well. A new Shipping Container was delivered this week.  We are now working on getting  things ready for Sunday. Keep Praying.
  • Pastor Joe’s 7 PM Wednesday Night Study will be meeting this coming Wednesday, October 7th.
  • The Men’s group is meeting on Wednesday evenings as well for those guys involved in the study.
  • Six8, be aware that there have been some changes to the weekly calendar. Please check out Facebook for the most current information.
  • Our new verse for our October Monthly Memory Verse is “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”” Luke 19:10 ESV  This verse reminds us of the importance of our mission as follower of Jesus. We are called to touch lives. If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android)
  • We will be taking a break from our “Lessons for the Journey” series this week for our Ground Breaking Service at the church property. Your prayers are appreciated for the service preparation. Thank you for praying.

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