• It is good to be back doing the Newsletter. I took a little break to attempt to dial things down over the holidays and spend time with family.
  • It is exciting to think that we have a new year before us. It has been an amazing and busy year. Now we get to be a part of what the Lord is going to do over the next twelve months.
  • I want to give a shout out to the Millers for hosting the New Year Eve game night. We had a great time hanging out until late.
  • Gals, the Ladies Discipleship group will be held at the Parkinson’s home this Saturday January 11 at 10AM. This is a great time, gals, to get connected with others desiring to grow in their relationship with Jesus.  
  • The following Saturday is our first 101 Discovering Church Ministry CLASS on Saturday January 18, 9AM-3PM. If you are interested in learning more about Living Hope please contact Pastor Joe.
  • We are also launching a Financial Peace University class starting Sunday January 26 at the Nelsons home. Please check out the bulletin this Sunday for more information.
  • Our first memory verse for the New Year is Galatians 2:20 ““I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20 ESV  If you are struggling in this area, let me encourage you to check out the ScriptureTyper App. (IOS and Android)
  • We are continuing to make progress on the church site. We have completed all the fencing that we can do up to this point. Our focus has now shifted to the Office Modular. We are currently working on getting the plumbing installed along with replacing siding so that we can begin to work on the deck and ramp. Please pray as we are still in a holding pattern on getting electricity hooked up. The teaser Good News is that we are making progress on the Worship modular. Your prayers for the Property Team are appreciated.
  • This week we will be covering the next section of Galatians 1 in our new series “Living Above the Conflict.“ Our focus this Sunday will be “Standing Firm in My Biblical Convictions” in Paul’s challenge to not become distracted.  I appreciate your prayers for me as I study each week. You prayers are the spiritual power behind what God is doing in the lives of our congregation. Thank You.