• Here we go 2021! I am reminded that with all the stuff that happens life must go on, and it does. Let me encourage you to take some time to do a spiritual self-assessment and set at least one spiritual goal for this New Year. Now we all know that setting a goal does not make it happen. We need to get it into our calendar and then make it happen. The great old stand-by of Reading the Bible through this year is always a great choice. You may, however, choose something else. Let’s make 2021 count for Jesus.
  • I am looking for those that are interested in playing a role in our ministry relaunch in the New Building. I touched on the needs at the end of my message Sunday. There are opportunities to serve in all areas of ministry. Our greatest need is in the area of Nursery and Student Ministries. We will also be adding several new Maintenance needs with facility care of weekly cleanings. If you are interested in helping in these areas or any other please give Pastor Joe a call.
  • The building is almost done. It looks like the HVAC stuff will be wrapping up soon. Work has started on prepping for sidewalks. We are working on cabling stuff for Sound and Video.
  • Our first Memory Verse for January 2021 is our theme verse for this year. “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV If you struggle with memorizing or even consistency, let me encourage you to check out the Bible Memory App. (IOS and Android) www.BibleMemory.com
  • We will be focusing on a new Sermon Series over the next several week on “Moving Forward.” We will be looking at several areas that relate to moving forward with our ministry but these also apply to our lives. We will be taking some time to visit who we are as a church and where the Lord is leading us. We do covet your prayers as we prepare for this new series.