• Happy New Year!  It is hard to believe that 2016 is here. Let me encourage you, if you have not yet done so, to take a few minutes to reflect on 2015 and to set some goals for your life, your family and your ministry for 2016. This will make a huge difference in what you accomplish this year.
  • Many of you know that we had a second engagement announcement. This means there will be two Parkinson kid weddings this summer. We are excited.
  • If you are interested in learning more about Living Hope and/or becoming a member, I encourage you to participate in our 101 Discovering Church Membership Seminar on Saturday January 23rd at 9am at the Ministry Center. Lunch will be provided and we will be done by 3 pm. Please contact the church office if you can attend.
  • Ladies don’t forget the baby shower this Saturday at 1pm at the Burke’s for Amy F and her twin boys.
  • Six-8 Youth group will be starting back up this Friday at 7 pm at Lopez’s.
  • I need help this Monday January 11th  at 7pm at the Ministry Center to count mailers. The new mailer for our “Transformed” series is at the printer. The 6 message series will be an exposition on how God’s grace can transform our lives from Romans chapter 12. The series will launch Sunday January 17th. Don’t forget to invite those God has brought into your life and to pray for God blessing on our next campaign.
  • I want to say “Thank You” again to those that helped support our students that attended this year’s Teen Leadership Conference. We had 7 students and 3 adults. It was a great conference, as expected, with great session and breakout sessions. The students also enjoyed the free time and the activities. Thank You.
  • Gals, we will be launching a new Beth Moore study “Anointed, Transformed and Redeemed.” This study from the life of David will kick-off Wednesday January 20th at 6:30 pm at the Ministry Center.
  • Guys, last year a group of us participated in the John Hunt Men’s Conference simulcast. We will be hosting it again this year February 5-6 at the Ministry Center. Be sure to mark your calendar for this year’s event.